Top 5 Foreign HR Podcasts of 2021
- Autor článku Kateřina Wendeling
- Publikováno v English articles
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The workplace, like many other things in this day in age, is changing at a rapid pace. Technology has allowed telecommuting from all over the world, and new generations are entering the workforce who value different things than the last. Podcasts allow people to easily access new information and learning through their smart devices. Below are the top 5 podcasts that will help HR professionals keep up to date on best practices for a wide array of HR topics.
1. HR Works
This podcast sources the best in the industry, from authors to talent influencers and beyond, to give HR professionals insights that will impact all areas of the HR function.
2. HR Happy Hour
HR Happy Hour is the original of all HR podcasts. With 250 episodes on a range of HR topics, it is the longest running of all the HR podcasts out there. In current episodes, hosts Steve Boese and Trish McFarlane dive into how the pandemic has changed the workplace and the unexpected outcomes of these changes.
3. That HR Podcast
This podcast is run by the U.K.’s leading HR magazine People Management. This podcast is great for early HR professionals as it gives real-world insight into the future of the HR industry.
4. HR Break Room
HR Break Room is a podcast that is true to its name. Hosted by HR professionals, it feels like more of a conversation you would have with your colleagues in the break room when listening to it. Discussing current industry trends and how to empower employees and the organization with the power of HR Technology, this is a great podcast to keep up with.
5. The McKinsey Podcast
This podcast is brought to you by leading global consultancy firm McKinsey bringing you a wide variety of topics. With leading global experts leading the way in this podcast and the added benefit of being able to download the podcast’s transcript, the potential to learn and grow is infinite.
Staying up to date is a key component to the successful HR professional. It is important to be on top of current trends and best practices as the world changes at a rapid pace. These 5 podcasts will keep you up to date with ease and convenience by delivering the information right to your fingertips.

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